Monday, June 16, 2008


Education and training of the workforce in the pulp and paper now requires the participation of the entire organization, not just a training department, if the training is to be effective to improve efficiency and profitability of our organizations. The effectiveness of the Panel uses a process of designing systems and functions as a high performance team working in partnership with the rest of the organization.


Learning is a process of acquisition of knowledge, skills or attitudes through formal or informal means. Education is a process involving others as facilitators of learning. These May be other experts, designers, suppliers or teaching. Training is a learning process directly related to the specific situation of results. In the case of training, the emphasis is usually based on improving individual and group performance, and the results of the organization. From the end in mind, we will examine the results of training. Kirkpatrick (1) ranks its results into four categories: Reaction - assesses the training program itself (trainees are satisfied?). Learning - focuses on changes in participants as a result of training (have skills, knowledge, attitudes or changed as a result of training?). Behavior or performance - for the transfer of learning to employment or organization (the results of training applied?). Results or findings - is the impact of training on productivity and profitability of the organization. While education tends to focus on the first, training must be evaluated by the last two - on the transfer of learning for the success of the organization.

The design of the education system

To ensure that training is delivered effectively and efficiently, a process of designing education systems (ISD) is to be implemented as a planned process for the assessment, design, development, execution and evaluation of training. ISD begins with a needs assessment of the organization, which include the May survey, identification and prioritization of training needs, analyzes the causes of performance problems and opportunities, and identify possible solutions (2). It is imperative to determine if training is the appropriate solution, and if it is economically viable. Developing training programs should include analyses of the characteristics of learners, the framework within which the work will be done, and the tasks and functions that the trainees will be asked to perform. A comprehensive review of the subject (and experts) is also necessary. Goals and performance objectives must be established and a plan to evaluate the training should be developed. Teaching materials and strategies must be purchased, prepared and pre-tested. The implementation of the training includes the preparation of workers and others to be trainers and experts. The training process itself must be managed and evaluated.

The application of instructional design in the organization

There are two approaches to implement the training function. Most businesses and instructional designers use a reactive approach. DSI is used as an intervention to solve problems involving employees, with an emphasis on performance and organizational results. In this sense, training is often used as quality control, that corrections to problems. This type of training usually feature works a bit outside of the manufacturing organization, management and other processes. A proactive approach is in place in some pulp and paper where training and CIOs are part of a process of continuous improvement, not considered as intervention (3). It's more like TQM (Total Quality Management) and Quebec (quality control), insofar as the training function is fully integrated with the normal process of organizational improvement. The process of reactive and proactive training are very similar.

The differences are time-scale, the degree of duplication and distribution of the training function throughout the organization. Make assessments of needs and tasks / duty analyses have generally been triggered by new technologies, equipment or people. If these steps be continuous, ongoing functions?

High-performance work teams

We have heard a lot about the benefits (and problems) with the implementation team approaches to improve organizational effectiveness and to empower individuals and teams with information and authority to take decisions on the lines front. The success in business today mandates the use of these high-performance work teams throughout our organizations. But making the transition to teams is not easy. The training may be useful in many ways to help people work more effectively in team environments, including: Communication. People must learn to communicate effectively in teams and between teams throughout the organization. Employees must use communication to resolve and manage conflicts, and in the air and resolve grievances and complaints. Team management and operation. The management of projects, set goals, clarify roles, and problem-solving team are skills that must be developed. New organizational skills must be developed if the teams are to operate effectively and efficiently.

The leadership development.

Team leaders and senior management must learn to act as models of running the team, and the means to actively promote the construction, leadership and management teams. Personal development. Employees need help to overcome fears about the loss of job security and independence, and how to continue to make individual contributions within the team structures. Interpersonal skills must be developed, particularly in regard to problem-solving group.

Let's start with the training function

As we have seen, training must be more fully integrated with and respond to the activity of the organization. A recent survey also founded this new direction for the development of human resources directors (4).

Distributed Management Team and means for the organization to become more efficient. It is logical, then, that the training function itself is a good place to start implementing high-performance work teams. The transition from a reactive to a proactive implementation training will require a restructuring of the training function. (Please note that we do not say "Training Service", as training is everyone's job.) What better opportunity to put the team concept into practice in the organization? That would give teachers tools to be of value to the organization, to be directly connected to the company's success. The trainers are best able to understand, promote and teach what they have experienced themselves and the model. In the process of reorganizing the ISD cross-organizational teams to improve the company's success, trainers and designers will become valuable resources to transfer their experiences, knowledge and skills of high-performance work teams to others in the rest of the organization.


State of the art equipment is purchased and used by more and more organizations in the pulp and paper. Today is preparing the workforce for optimal performance, which gives competitive advantage. A more relevant, companies focused on the training function - and integrated distributed accordingly in the organization - will not only be more in line with organizational performance and profitability, but will help the rest of the body and towards achieving the objective of efficient, effective and efficient teams. Let's get started.

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